The Future of Events Industry and its Resilience
2020 was supposedly considered as a “year of new beginnings and renewals” according to Chinese astrology, but unfortunately, things come up on the opposite side of the road. Tragic calamities happened worldwide, from unpredictable earthquakes to horrific typhoons. And it was not long enough yet until the most unseen pandemic happened, that does not only created chaos but total stoppage of worldwide economy.
As today’s technology, no one believed that this kind of pandemic, Corona Virus Disease, or also known as COVID-19, particularly started late 2019, will cause a turn-around events that lead to closure of borders among countries. People gathering were totally cut-off, workplaces have been shutdown and hospitals have been totally filled that most of our called modern-day heroes went restless.

To this moment, one of the most affected are the event industry. As it relies on people to gather, create networks locally and globally and to commercialise various products and services mostly on physical manner. But people tend to always fight for a living, and when we do, creative juices and unusual way of practices spurt to embrace on what they call the “new normal”.
As adapting to the new normal shall begin, event companies started to innovate and re-focus themselves into virtual aspect of products and services — or else be left out by time and opportunity that other companies would be aggressive of. Virtual conferences, virtual seminars or webinars, virtual exhibitions, virtual family day, virtual team building, and virtual award ceremonies are introduced to its clients. Whereas Online Digital Virtual Events does not only do the purpose of the event but rather expand its limitations by going worldwide.

At the present time, people are now more engaging than ever. They have seen the advantage of technology to create virtual bridges that connect people not only locally but globally. Some may have seen other target audience to be neglected. But with this introduced and enhanced platform, it has gained the eyes of many. It reaches beyond forth people’s physical efforts that with just a click on a mouse or a tap on your keyboard, it opens possibilities over possibilities.
People started to gather and accept that for the better of everyone, as long as the danger of COVID-19 is still around, we should continue with our lives by being resourceful once again. Multinational companies are beaming up to reward their employees virtually by setting up a virtual team building or virtual fun runs. They are taking the advantage of multi-platforms such as Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media. Virtual games and entertainments were also introduced. Webinars blossomed more than ever, that people started to either learn or expound their expertise.
But with all these happenings, people are always longing for tangible things. Meeting new friends and colleagues, holding new products first-hand, and gathering in communal places where everyone can share their thoughts and ideas.
With all the experiences that event companies gained and learned, it has come to a point that physical and virtual events can go hand in hand — in order to offer more products and services to clients and audiences.